Tag: Massage Cupping



Rachel Baldwin, LMT is now accepting appointments! Booking will be limited.

Wyoming State mandate limits the number of patrons who can be in the East Sheridan Salon & Spa, requiring no more than 10 at a given time. We are all taking the proper steps of precaution and sanitization procedures, as client safety is our first priority.

To book an appointment please call or text (307)272-7379.

Online booking has been indefinitely suspended due to client density restrictions.



Rachel Baldwin, LMT is temporarily closed until April 30th and will reopen when our Governor lifts the Stay at home ban. I appreciate all my clients being patient and understanding.

Sending love, healing, and strength during this difficult time.

“Governor Mark Gordon and State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist announced Friday the extension of the three existing statewide health orders through April 30 in a concentrated effort to mitigate the community spread of COVID-19 and to save lives, according to a Friday afternoon release from the Governor’s office.” READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

Top Resources For Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) provide the latest recommendations for Coronavirus (COVID-19). AMTA advises that you check these resources regularly for important updates. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 

World Health Organization (WHO)

What is Cupping?

What is Cupping?

Cupping is also known as Massage Cupping, MediCupping, and VacuTherapies. Cupping provides a wonderful bridge to the medical community, with special applications for pre- and post-surgery conditions, chiropractic and orthopedic work, conditions associated with Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Fibromyalgia, and much more. Results are fast and comfortable for the client, and noticeably impressive to medical professionals.

One of the most amazing aspects of this technique is the “separation” that the vacuum produces in tissue layers. This implements water absorption and renewed blood flow to undernourished and dehydrated tissue as well as the elimination of old waste and congestion.

Along with the substantial health benefits of clearing old debris, the use of suction is invaluable in releasing soft tissue, scars, and restricted fascia. Sports professionals are benefiting from the ease of recovery from injury or surgery and an increase in athletic performance, and major league sports teams are utilizing the therapy.

MediCupping™ is the use of a machine that creates suction and pumping movements to create a soothing, consistent and effective treatment without strain on the client. A brief experience with MediCupping™ will illustrate the immediate treatment applications, as well as the amazing information that the body reveals through the lens of the cup. As an adjunct therapy to chiropractic manipulations, medical protocols, and surgical recovery, MediCupping™ therapy accelerates patient progress … leading to happy clients and increased referrals from medical professionals!

One experience will leave you asking, “Why didn’t someone show me this before?!”

Information from https://massagecupping.com





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